Lab Director Heading link

Prof. Mohammadian pic

Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian, PhD


Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian is a professor of transportation systems and head of the Department of Civil and Materials Engineering. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 2002 and has been at UIC since 2003. His research covers various areas of transportation systems including travel behavior analysis, travel surveys, computational analysis of transportation systems, freight and logistics modeling, and agent-based microsimulation models. He has authored or co-authored more than 350 scholarly publications in scientific journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and reports. He is a co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Transportation Letters and has served as committee chair of the Traveler Behavior and Values committee (AEP30) of the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board. He has advised 25 PhD students.

Current Postdoctoral Researchers: Heading link

Ali Mohammadi

Ali Mohammadi, Ph.D. (2024 – present)


Ali is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) in the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering. He earned his Ph.D. (2021) and M.S. (2013) in Transportation Planning and Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (SUT). His research focuses on sustainable transportation, leveraging advanced econometric modeling, statistical analysis, and AI-driven methodologies to optimize transportation systems. His expertise includes non-motorized and active transportation, transit-oriented development (TOD), paratransit systems, and smart transit solutions.

He has an interdisciplinary background in transportation systems, data-driven modeling, and programming. His research encompasses (a) advanced econometric modeling and statistical analysis, with an emphasis on Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) models; (b) the development of AI-powered Activity-Based Models (ABM) to enhance travel demand forecasting and optimize transportation networks; and (c) innovative solutions to reduce car dependency and emissions. Through his work, he contributes to the advancement of intelligent, data-driven transportation planning for more sustainable urban mobility.

Current PhD students: Heading link

Sina's pic

Sina Asgharpour (2021 – present)


Sina is a Ph.D. student and Graduate Research Assistant at the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). He earned his Master of Science degree in Transportation Planning and Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran, in 2019. Sina possesses a broad array of research interests spanning several areas of transportation engineering, including equity in transportation systems and services, transportation demand modeling, travel behavior analysis, micromobility, active transportation, transportation safety, and emerging transportation services.

His expertise primarily lies in econometric analysis, spatial analysis, machine learning techniques, and data-driven analysis. Currently, Sina is engaged in several research initiatives exploring critical aspects of transportation. These projects include identifying disparities in access to and usage of transportation services in the northeastern Illinois region, assessing the suitability of transportation systems for special groups such as the elderly, and developing a comprehensive framework to understand vehicle choice behavior. This framework encompasses traditional, electric, and autonomous vehicles, examining their association with significant life events.

Sadjad's pic

Sadjad Bazarnovi (2022 – present)


Sadjad is a PhD student and a graduate research assistant in the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). He earned his Master of Science degree in Transportation Planning Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology (SUT) in 2021.

Sadjad’s research interests span a wide range of topics within transportation engineering, including travel behavior after adopting Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), analyzing charging behavior among Electric Vehicle (EV) users, and the Environmental Impacts of Transportation Modes. He employs Operations Research (OR), Machine Learning, and Statistical methods to address complex challenges in transportation modeling.

Currently, Sadjad is engaged in a project collaborating with Argonne National Laboratory focused on optimizing the location and allocation of Battery Electric Bus (BEB) charging stations, aiming to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of urban transportation systems.


Former post-doctoral fellows: Heading link

  1. Amir Samimi, PhD
    Research: Behavioral Freight Modeling
    Duration: March 2010 – August 2010
    Current position: TBD
  2. Taha Hossein Rashidi, PhD
    Research: Data Transferability/Residential Location Choice Behavior
    Duration: May 2011 – July 2011
    Current position: Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia
  3. Joshua Auld, PhD
    Research: Demand Modeling for High Speed Rail / IL Statewide Model
    Duration: July 2011 – June 2015
    Current position: Research Scientist, Argonne National Lab
  4. Behnam Amini, PhD
    Research: Agent-Based Simulation
    Duration: August 2013 – August 2014
    Current position: Assistant Professor, IKIU, Iran
  5. Behzad Karimi Varzardoliya, PhD
    Research: Long Distance Travel Demand
    Duration: Jan 2015 – May 2015
    Current position: WSP
  6. Ramin Shabanpour, PhD
    Research: Activity-based Modeling, Autonomous Vehicle
    Duration: May 2018 – August 2020
    Current position: University of Pittsburgh
  7. Ehsan Rahimi, PhD
    Research: Innovative Models for New Mobility Options
    Duration: August 2021 – August 2022
    Current position: United Airlines

Former PhD students: Heading link

  1. Sadayuki Yagi, PhD
    Thesis title: An Activity-Based Microsimulation Model of Travel Demand for Transportation Policy and Impact Analysis, Completed: September 2006.
    Current position: Transportation Consultant, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Yong-Ping Zhang, PhD
    Thesis title: Household Travel Data Simulation: Applications of Spatial Transferability of Survey Data, Completed: October 2007.
    Current position: Assistant Professor, California State University, Pomona, CA.
  3. Peng (Richard) Fan, PhD (co-advised with Peter Nelson, CS Department)
    Thesis title: Design and Analysis of Clustering Frameworks in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Completed: November 2007
    Current position: Facebook
  4. Amir Samimi, PhD
    Thesis title: A Behavioral Mode Choice Microsimulation Model for Freight Transportation in the U.S. Completed: March 2010
    Current position: TBD
  5. Chad Williams, PhD (co-advised with Peter Nelson, CS Department)
    Thesis title: A Data Mining Approach to Rapidly Learning Traveler Activity Patterns for Mobile Applications. Completed: March 2010
    Current position: Assistant Professor, Central Connecticut State University
  6. Taha Hossein Rashidi, PhD
    Thesis Title: Households Long-Term Decision Making Process: vehicle Transactions, Employment, and Residential Location Choices. Completed: August 2010
    Current position: Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  7. Joshua Auld, PhD
    Thesis Title: Agent-based Dynamic Activity Planning and Travel Scheduling Model: Data Collection and Model Development. Completed: July 2011
    Current position: Principal Computational Transportation Engineer, Argonne National Lab & Research Assistant Professor, UIC
  8. James Haran, PhD (co-advised with Peter Nelson, CS Department)
    Thesis Title: Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Microsimulation System for Modeling Transportation, Wireless, and Traveler Behavior. Completed: October 2011
    Current position: Vice President, Trustwave
  9. Zahra Pourabdollahi, PhD
    Thesis Title: An Agent-Based Freight Transportation Modeling Framework, Completed: Nov. 2014
    Current position: Transportation Consultant, RS&H, Tampa, FL
  10. Behzad Karimi Varzardoliya, PhD
    Thesis Title: Generation Gaps in Activity and Travel Behavior, Completed: Jan. 2015
    Current position: Transportation Consultant, WSP USA, Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
  11. Mehran Fasihozaman Langerudi, PhD
    Thesis Title:  Incorporating In-Home Activities into an Agent-Based Dynamic Activity Planning and Travel Simulation Model, Completed: September 2015.
    Current Position: Research Scientist at 84.51˚, Chicago, IL
  12. Sanghyeon Ko, PhD
    Thesis Title: Analysis of Containerized Freight Shipments into the U.S. -Port Choice and Inland Optimization, Completed: December 2015.
    Current Position: Transportation Engineer, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, D.C.
  13. Seyed Mehdi Mahmoudifard, PhD
    Thesis title: Travel Behavior Analysis of Agricultural Commodities in a Freight Activity Microsimulation Framework, Completed: December 2016
    Current Position: Lead Data Scientist at Accenture, Chicago, IL
  14. Ramin Shabanpour, PhD
    Thesis title: Adoption Behavior of Privately Owned Autonomous Vehicles, Completed: May 2018
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
  15. Nima Golshani, PhD
    Thesis title: Evacuation Behavior during No-Notice Emergency Events, Completed: May 2018
    Current Position: Research Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology
  16. Fatemeh (Nooshin) Nazari, PhD
    Thesis Title: Modeling travel behavior with the advent of electric and autonomous vehicle technologies, Completed: May 2019
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
  17. Monique Anne Stinson, PhD
    Thesis Title: Strategic Decisions in Agent-Based Freight Transportation Models: Methods and Data, Completed: August 2020
    Current Position: Freight Estimation, Forecasting and Analysis Manager, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
  18. Homa Taghipour, PhD
    Thesis Title: Traffic Condition Assessment: Integrated Dynamic Travel Time Prediction and Accident Detection Models, Completed: August 2020
    Current Position: Senior Data Engineer, CCC Intelligent Solutions
  19. Ali Shamshiripour, PhD
    Thesis Title: Citizen-Centric Smart Cities: Planning for Travel Behavior in a Technology-dominated Future, Completed: December 2020
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, The University of Arizona
  20. Ehsan Rahimi, PhD
    Thesis Title: Transportation Resilience: Behavioral Impact Analysis of Disruptions and Pandemic on Public Transit, Completed: December 2020
    Current Position: Senior Analyst, United Airlines
  21. Amir Bahador Parsa, PhD
    Thesis Title: Traffic Modeling and Management, Innovative Data and Methods, Completed: April 2022
    Current Position: Senior Data Engineer, CCC Intelligent Solutions
  22. Ahmad Nafakh, PhD
    Thesis Title: Examining the Impacts of the Pandemic on Vulnerable Population Groups, Completed: July 2023
    Current Position: Senior Project Manager, Illinois Tollway
  23. MohammadJavad Javadinasr, PhD
    Thesis Title: Sustainable Integration of Micromobility as a Solo Travel Mode and Complementary to Transit, Completed: April, 2024
    Current Position: Transportation Consultant
  24. Amir Davatgari, PhD
    Thesis Title: Medium-duty Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Planning and Operations in Urban Transportation Networks, Completed: April, 2024
    Current Position: Data Scientist, Starbucks
  25. Motahare (Yalda) Mohammadi, PhD
    Thesis Title: Examining the persistence of telecommuting after the COVID-19 pandemic, Completed: September, 2024
    Current Position: TBD

Former M.S. students: Heading link

  1. Hassan Dastgir
    Project topic:  Non-Stop Mass Transit System: Feasibility and Preliminary Design. Completed: Spring 2005.
    Current position: Transportation Engineer, US Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.
  2. Karen Schweiss
    Thesis title: A Microsimulation Model of The Alinea On-Ramp Control Algorithm using VISSIM. Completed: October 2005.
    Current position: Adjunct Faculty, College of Lake County, IL
  3. Saurav Chakrabarti
    Thesis title: Coordinated Strategies for Corridor Operations Management. Completed: February 2006.
    Current position: Senior ITS Specialist, Siemens, Pasadena, CA
  4. Todd Bapton
    Thesis title: Calibration of Advanced Transportation Management System. Completed: March 2007.
    Current position: Transportation Engineer, Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago, IL
  5. Tom Brecheisen
    Research topic: Ramp Metering Revisited. Completed: May 2008
    Current position: Professional Environmental Engineer, Kowalenko Consulting Group, Chicago, IL
  6. Mahmoud Javanmardi
    Thesis title: Application of Data Transferability in Examining Travel Behavior due to Changes in Life-Style. Completed: September 2009,
    Current Position: Department of Energy, Washington DC
  7. Martina Zuchetti Frignani
    Thesis Title: A Two-Week Prompted Recall Internet-Based Survey of Activity-Travel Patterns: Observations on the Elderly. Completed: January 2010,
    Current Position: Current Position: Sr Civil Engineer at San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), CA
  8. Roozbeh Shirani
    Thesis Title: Bus on Shoulder in Illinois. Completed: April 2011,
    Current Position: Transportation Engineer, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
  9. Zohreh Ghasemi
    Research topic: Population Synthesize. Graduated: December 2011,
    Current Position: Transportation Engineer, URS
  10. Karl Strum
    Research topic: Behavioral Influences in Route Choice: Impacts of Driver’s Preference and Demographics on Route Choice. Graduated: December 2013,
    Current Position: Transportation Engineer, DAMA Consulting, Chicago, IL
  11. Fadhel Abbas (University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq)
    Thesis Title: Calibrating Highway Speed-Density Functions. Graduated: July 2015,
    Current Position: Transportation Engineer, Iraq
  12. Seyedeh Maryam Niakian
    Thesis Title: How Supply Chain Attributes Influence Freight Trip Generation Estimation. Graduate: May 2017
    Current Position: Senior Logistics Analyst, Chervon North America
  13. Daniel Johnson
    Thesis Title: A Synthesis of US Glare Screen Warrants and Design Requirements with Model Warrants and Design Guide. Graduated October 2017,
    Current Position: Federal Highways
  14. Ahmad Nafakh
    Thesis Title: Spatial Assessment of Walkability Index – A case Study in Chicago. Graduated August 2018
    Current Position: Senior Project Manager, Illinois Tollway
  15. Saud Al Fadhili
    Thesis Title: Analysis of People’s Preference on the Adoption and Use of New Mobility Technologies. Graduated January 2020
    Current Position: TBD